Управление сетью Juniper VSE2100-BASE
VSE 2100 Base System - 1U - Dual Quad-core Intel Xeon CPU, 48GB Memory, 2 x 900GB 2.5” SAS HDDs,1 x 2port 10GbE IOC
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Технические характеристики Juniper VSE2100-BASE
Технические характеристики Juniper VSE:
Rack mountable |
1 U; Front-mount or mid-mount; optional front-and-rear four-post mount |
Traffic interfaces |
(VSE1100) Four 1-Gigabit Ethernet RJ-45 ports (VSE2100) Two 10-Gigabit Ethernet RJ-45 ports |
Console interface |
(VSE1100 and VSE2100) One RJ-45 serial console port |
USB interface |
(VSE1100 and VSE2100) One USB port for software installation or reinstallation |
Processor |
(VSE1100) Single-quad core Intel (VSE2100) Dual-quad core Intel |
(VSE1100) 24 GB DDR3 (VSE2100) 48 GB DDR3 |
Storage |
(VSE1100 and VSE2100) Six storage drive slots. Shipped with two SAS 900 GB 2.5-inch HDD in rear. Four additional 2.5-inch SATA or SAS drives slots (as specified by Juniper Networks) can be installed in front, in any combination. |
Fans |
(VSE1100 and VSE2100) Three 40-mm fans When the device is cool, the fans spin at a slower speed to reduce noise and save energy. As the device heats up, the fans run at a faster speed. In the event of fan failure, the fault LED blinks and the remaining fan or fans run at full speed. |
Power supplies |
Removable AC power supply standard: 90 VAC to 264 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 4.0 A Max, 650 W. Standard IEC power cord is provided for AC power supply. Removable DC power supply is an available option: –48 VDC, 20 A Max, 650 W. DC power cables supplied by the customer. AC and DC power supplies are supported simultaneously. |
Описание Juniper VSE2100-BASE
Virtual Services Engines (VSEs) представляют собой устройства, на котором развернут JunosV App Engine. JunosV App Engine является платформой виртуализации, которая принимает сетевые сервисы и приложения, которые работают внутри гостевых операционных систем на виртуальных машинах, на VSE устройств.